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Ryan Coogler escribió una emotiva carta para los fans de Black Panther

Este fin de semana se estrenó la película Black Panther de Marvel Studios y su éxito ha sido tan arrollador que ya es catalogada como la mejor película del estudio, sin embargo esto no sería nada significativo sin el director Ryan Coogler y quien ha vuelto hacer magia tras lo realizado en Creed.

Ahora decidió tomarse un tiempo de su apretada agenda para escribir una carta a los fans y en donde agradece por todo su apoyo. Esta pueden leerla en la parte de abajo.

I am struggling to find the words to express my gratitude at this moment, but I will try.

Filmmaking is a team sport. And our team was made up [of] amazing people from all over the world who believed in this story. Deep down we all hoped that people would come to see a film about a fictional country on the continent of Africa, made up of a cast of people of African descent.

Never in a million years did we imagine that you all would come out this strong. It still humbles me to think that people care enough to spend their money and time watching our film- But to see people of all backgrounds wearing clothing that celebrates their heritage, taking pictures next to our posters with their friends and family, and sometimes dancing in the lobbies of theaters– often moved me and my wife to tears.

For the people who bought out theaters, who posted on social about how lit the film would be, bragged about our awesome cast, picked out outfits to wear, and who stood in line in theaters all over the world– all before seeing the film…

To the press who wrote about the film for folks who hadn’t yet seen it, and encouraged audiences to come out…

And to the young ones, who came out with their parents, with their mentors, and with their friends…

Thank you for giving our team of filmmakers the greatest gift: The opportunity to share this film, that we poured our hearts and souls into, with you.


Ryan Coogler

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