El jueves pasado se llevó el draft de la NBA y muchas sorpresas se llevaron a cabo, sin embargo una que dejo a todos con la boca abierta fue el traspaso de Jimmy Butler (3 veces All Star Player) de los Chicago Bulls a los Minnesota Timberwolves y en donde se reencontrará con Tom Thibodeau.
La noticia agarró a todos por sorpresa y es que Butler había declarado que no quería abandonar Chicago ya que quería regresarlos a la cima del este, mientras que la gerencia de los Bulls puso como excusa que «querían renovar la plantilla con un equipo joven y Butler necesitaba nuevos aires».
Ahora el ex-Bulls escribió una carta dirigida por Chicago (la ciudad, no el equipo) y en donde se dijo agradecido por los 6 años que pasó ahí y a donde seguirá yendo porque ahí está su familia.
What can I say?! I truly struggle with the words because you’ve been so much more than just my home for the last 6 years, you’ve been my life! You’ve embraced me like a son and pushed me to get better every day, every season.
I can honestly say that I have always been incredibly motivated to succeed; it’s just the way I’m built. But I know I owe so much to the person I am now, and to the player that I’ve become, to you.
You always pushed me to never give anything less than my absolute best night in, night out. That’s what you expected. That’s what you deserved. And, I hope you know that’s what I dedicated my life to every time I walked into the facility or stepped on the floor of the United Center.
Thank you to the entire Bulls organization and Reinsdorf Family for taking a chance on me in 2011 and for giving me the opportunity to play the sport I love for such a great franchise. I’ll never forget the feeling I had when I was drafted and when I played my first minutes. It’s an experience that I wouldn’t have wanted with any other team and I’m so thankful to you for giving me that opportunity.
Chicago, I love you. Thanks for embracing a kid from Tomball like one of your own. On to a new home and a new organization. Thankfully, with some familiar faces! PS… AND PROBABLY MOST IMPORTANT! THANK YOU TO EVERYBODY BEHIND THE ORGANIZATION THAT DO NOT GET THE SHINE THAT THEY DESERVE!! YALL ARE THE REAL ALL-STARS!! – Jimmy G. Buckets (@staceyking21 )