Soundcloud Soundtrack

Dale un vistazo al sencillo Tokyo de la banda TEEN

El 19 de Febrero saldrá a la venta el tercer disco de TEEN llamado Love Yes y del cual hemos escuchado el sencillo All About Us. Ahora han ofrecido otro adelanto llamado Tokyo y que es un poco más tranquila que su antecesora, aunque no menos genial.

Aquí les dejamos lo que Teeny Lieberson dijo sobre la canción.

Tokyo” is the story of a man who loses interest in his wife and fantasizes about leaving her. His loss of interest is not merely a reflection of his feelings, but rather his unwillingness to grow old and the challenge age puts to his ego. His experience illuminates our societal obsession with youth culture and our ingrained fear of aging and loss of power. We value women only in the virgin ideal, often because they are thought to be conquerable and and a vessel for validating dominance. We would prefer to live in the fantasy of young skin rather than face our growth and relinquish control to our inevitable death.


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