Soundtrack Vídeos

Escucha un par de nuevas canciones de BADBADNOTGOOD

Han pasado un par de años desde que BADBADNOTGOOD sacó a la venta su disco IV, sin embargo eso no quiere decir que no estén tocando y es que se la han pasado de gira por su cuenta y colaborando con un montón de sus amigos. Pero ahora han decidido regalarnos un par de canciones Goodbye Blue (con la participación de Jonah Yano) y Glide (Goodbye Blue Pt. 2).

La banda habló un poco sobre estos temas.

The end of 2018 was the beginning of the first long break from touring that we’ve had basically since we started as a band. It was a time of reflection and the opportunity for us to explore all sorts of things. “Goodbye Blue” was one of the songs that came out of this. Eventually, we worked some of the melodies and feeling into a second instrumental which felt like it stood on its own, but was definitely a companion piece. We hope that everyone enjoys these two songs and they offer some peace in these troubled times

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