Soundtrack Vídeos

Saintseneca se inspira en Chris Farley para su single “In A Van”

La inspiración puede llegar de cualquier lado y si no nos creen pregúntenle a Zac Little (Saintseneca), quien se inspiró en el personaje Matt Foley de Chris Farley para escribir su nueva canción llamada In A Van y que pueden escuchar aquí mismo.

I was revisiting his “Best Of” with some buds for the first time in well over a decade. This collection was a fixture of goofy-ness growing up, but it felt like a revelation that night. It was a strangely emotional experience. The gauzy ’90s TV sheen, the feathery haircuts, a couple cringe-y jokes that didn’t age well. But I saw his talent and craft shine through, in a way I had never quite noticed before. It was amazing, funny, and a little sad – knowing the end while witnessing the best all at once. What a weird nostalgia trip to fall into some 25 years later — all tangled up with life and memory — the same old thing, accumulating new meaning with time. I felt old. I felt like a kid.

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