The xx están de regreso y como muestra es que han anunciado la salida de su disco I See You para el 13 de Enero de este año, además de revelar el sencillo On Hold y que pueden escuchar en la parte de abajo. Este contará con 10 temas y pueden checar una carta que escribieron sobre su regreso.
After many years, close together, far apart, great highs, deep lows, heartache and healing, we are so happy to let you know we are releasing our 3rd album ‘I See You’ on January 13th 2017.
We realise these are uncertain times and we hope the joy and love we found making the record will find its way out into the world, in however small a way.
Our first single ‘On Hold’ is available everywhere now.
Excited to see you all very soon.
xx The xx
01 “Dangerous”
02 “Say Something Loving”
03 “Lips”
04 “A Violent Noise”
05 “Performance”
06 “Replica”
07 “Brave For You”
08 “On Hold”
09 “I Dare You”
10 “Test Me”