Soundcloud Soundtrack

Cellars estrena su nueva canción titulada Nighttime Girl

Cellar es el seudónimo de la cantante Alle Norton y que se encuentra trabajando en un nuevo disco llamado Phases y que saldrá a la venta el 15 de Abril. Por el momento ha compartido el sencillo Nighttime Girl y que pueden escuchar en la parte de abajo, además de leer su inspiración para esta canción.

Nighttime Girl” was written during an interesting transition in my life, I had just moved to Los Angeles and knew barely anyone, and was dealing with the first of a few break­ups in a long­-term relationship with someone I loved very much. I came up with the music and then told myself when writing the lyrics that I was not going to write another love song, which is where the line “I don’t need love where I’m going” comes from. I was determined to find my own way in this new place, and the song is about the struggle of figuring out who you are; the dissonant human feeling of both self­-confidence and self­-consciousness at the same time, and both sure and unsure of what one wants in life.

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