Soundcloud Soundtrack

Gerard Way nos regala 4 temas inéditos para esta cuarentena

Todos los músicos andan muy buena onda compartiendo cosas que se tenían guardadas y ahora Gerard Way ha decidido hacer lo mismo con la colección Distraction Or Despair y que tiene las canciones Welcome to the Hotel,” “Success!,” “Crate Amp_2” y “Phoning It In (2) VOC. Estas pueden escucharlas en la parte de abajo.

I think I have a bunch of this stuff, as Doug and I have been recording little bits here and there over the years. “Some of these, like Phoning It In, were things that I planned on releasing as singles, and I may still do that at some point when I finish them, but I figured why not. It feels good to share. Who knows if some of this stuff would have ever come out?

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