Soundcloud Soundtrack

GFOTY le hace un cover a All The Small Things de Blink 182

Blink 182 ha tenido una semana de drama con la salida de Tom Delonge y un sin fin de chismes, pero hay artistas a quienes no les importa esto y deciden recordar a la banda como algo muy bueno. Uno de esos casos es GFOTY , quien ha decidido hacerle tributo a varias bandas con un Mix y entre estas hay un cover a la canción All The Small Things.

Aquí pueden escucharlo, además de ver los temas que están en este mix. (el tema de Blink 182 sale al minuto 9:39)

Basically Cake Mix was created after I got with this really hot guy who had a GF – I mean, I thought he was hot at the time but in reality he looks like that really weird bloated face when your making a Mii character on your Wii – you know the one yeah? It’s kinda just about me stealing people’s boyfriends and being abnormally huge. This one guy on Twitter said he saw me out once and I was way smaller then he imagined and to ’never meet your heroes’ or something like that and I mean like I’m 169cms (5’5″) and I wear high shoes all the time too so like HOW TALL DID HE WANT ME TO BE? So I guess – yeah it’s kinda inspired by that guy on Twitter primarily. So I guess cake has nothing to do with the mix apart from me making cakes and stuff.

Mix Tracklist:
“Mysterious GFOTY”
“All The Small Things” (Blink-182 Cover)

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