Soundcloud Soundtrack

Mira a Little May coverear Skeletons de Yeah Yeah Yeahs

El mes pasado salió a la venta el disco debut de Little May llamado For The Company y que ha recibido buenas críticas por parte de la crítica. Ahora la banda decidió aceptar el reto de la revista Rookie de coverear alguna canción y decidieron escoger Skeletons de Yeah Yeah Yeahs.

Aquí pueden escuchar el resultado y también ver la razón por la cual la escogieron.

The Yeah Yeah Yeahs are just such a good band, and that song had such a good melody and vibe—it takes you away. When we did the cover, we didn’t want to drastically change anything, because it’s a beautiful song. We didn’t want to overcomplicate it. We took what we loved, like the melody, lyrics, and the dreamy feelings, and did what we’d normally do with those melodies. We wanted to make it our song without taking away any of the beautiful parts of the original. […] A lot of the lyrics are abstract. It’s not like they’re telling a literal story, but there’s so much imagery that comes through.

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