Noticias Soundtrack

Omar Souleyman le escribe una carta a los refugiados sirios

Todos conocemos el problema por el que esta pasado Siria y que ha provocado que sus habitantes busquen refugio en distintos países. Uno de los músicos más importantes del país, Omar Souleyman, ha decidido apoyar a su país a través de una carta y en donde confirma que estará trabajando con distintas caridades para ayudar económicamente a su país.

El cantante estará ofreciendo conciertos para promocionar su disco Bahdeni Nami que salió a la venta en Julio pasado.

Began in March 2013 at SXSW with a little help from many friends, all future Omar Souleyman shows dedicate to help Syrian people fleeing to a better life elsewhere. Omar Souleyman is a refugee himself, but not an exilee, alone providing for a family of 30. Together with all willing promoters of his shows he conspires to raise funds to aid the refugees in flight from Syrian situation.

We are working with a number of charities but focusing on those directly providing urgent medical care to those in need during their long, difficult and dangerous passage to a life they dream of.

Syria was heaven on earth to all of us not so long ago and there is no reason it shouldn’t be the same way again soon. In this small meantime we all must help each other as much as we can and point the world to history and understanding the true cause of all the suffering that happens now.


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