Soundtrack Vídeos

Tenemos un nuevo sencillo de PUP llamado “Anaphylaxis”

PUP se han mantenido muy activos tras la salida de su disco Morbid Stuff y parece ser que no piensan bajar el ritmo ya que han lazando la canción Anaphylaxis que pueden escuchar en la parte de abajo, además de que hablaron un poco del significado de esta y lo que han estado haciendo durante estas ultimas semanas.

I got the idea for the song when I was at my partner’s cottage and her cousin got stung by a bee and his whole head started to swell up. His wife, although she was concerned, also thought it was pretty hilarious and started making fun of him even as they were headed to the hospital. He ended up being totally fine, but it was just funny to watch him freaking out and her just lighting him up at the same time. It reminded me of all the times I’ve started panicking for whatever reason and was convinced I was dying and the world was ending and no one would take me seriously. In retrospect, I always find those overreactions pretty funny. So we wrote a goofy song about being a hypochondriac and tried to make our guitars sound like bees at the beginning of it.

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